Monday, January 28, 2013

From Washington To Seattle And Beyond

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Over the last few months, as many people know, my life has been quite a journey. I moved from Washington, Missouri to Seattle, Washington (with a short stop in San Francisco, hey Stephen!) on a whim. My life had changed in a very negative way, and I couldn't stand it. So I did what any logical person would do and I ran away.

I wanted to take a horrible situation and twist it into an opportunity, possibly creating something that could have a positive effect on my life. And I truly believed that moving would have the desired effect.

If I'm being honest, though, I'm not entirely sure what I expected to happen when I moved to Seattle. Did I expect the rain to wash away all my pain? Did I expect the solitude to cure my heartache? Did I expect becoming a Seattlite would magically publish my book, making me a millionaire overnight? I'm not sure. I probably thought, being a writer, that it would be romantic living and writing in Seattle. But, much like my life at the time, my decisions didn't make a lot of sense. My life had become a blur, and I was stuck moving forward in a backward direction with it.